Sarkari Naukri

यह ब्लॉग खोजें

शनिवार, 2 सितंबर 2017

Gk Question Answer

Gk Question Answer

Q. The atomic nucleus was discovered by -

1) Rutherford

2) Dalton

3) Einstein

4) Thompson

Q. Which of the following is responsible for acid rain?

1) Nitrogen oxide and Carbon dioxide

2) Nitrogen oxide and Carbon monoxide

3) Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxiede

4) None of the above

Q. By which of the following can petrol fire be extinguished?

1) Sand

2) Water

3) Carbon dioxide

4) Saw dust

Q. In view of environmental Problems, the use of which insecticide has been reduced?

1) Gammexane

2) D.D.T.

3) B.H.C.

4) D.M.T.

Q. The main constituent of biogas is -

1) Hydrogen

2) Methane

3) Butane

4) Acetylene

ANS: 2

Q. Ink is prepared from -

1) Dye

2) Tannin

3) Starch

4) Latex

Q. Calcium carbide is used for artificial ripening of green fruits because it produces -

1) Auxin

2) Florigen 

3) Methylene 

4) Acetylene

Q. Brass is an alloy of -

1) copper and iron 

2) zinc and iron 

3) copper and zinc

4) iron and nickel

Q. Soda water obtained by passing carbon dioxide in water is -

1) an oxdising agent 

2) basic in nature 

3) acidic in nature 

4) a reducing agent

Q. Which of the following acids does not contain oxygen ?

1) Nitric acid 

2) Sulphuric acid 

3) Hydrochloric acid 

4) All of the above

Q. Baking soda is -

1) sodium carbohydrate

2) sodium bicarbonate

3) sodium sulphate

4) sodium hydroxide

Q. CaC2 on treatment with water gives -

1) Methane

2) Ethane

3) Ethylene

4) Acetylene

Q. Vinegar, very commonly used in Chinese food is actually -

1) Ethyl alcohol

2) Folic Acid

3) Acetic Acid

4) Nitric Acid

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