Sarkari Naukri

यह ब्लॉग खोजें

गुरुवार, 28 जुलाई 2016

Full Forms

D.Lit :- Doctor of Literature

DAVP :- Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity

DCA :- Drug and Cosmetic Act

DCI :- Dredging Corporation of India

DDP :- Desert Development Programme

DDT :- Dichloro Diphenyle Trichloroethane

DFDR :- Digital Flight Data Recorder (Black Box)

DGCA :- Director General of Civil Aviation

DGCEI :- Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence

DICGC :- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation

DIG :- Defence Intelligence Group

DIG :- Deputy Inspector General

DLO :- Dead Letter Office

DM :- District Magistrate

DMK :- Dravida Munetra Kazhagam

DMRL :- Defence Metalurgical Research Laboratory

DNA :- Di-oxyribo Nucleic Acid

DNEM :- Dynamic Numeric Encoding Method

DOTS :- Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse

DPAP :- Drought Prone Area Programme

DPC :- Dabhol Power Company

DPCO :- Drug Prices Control Order

DPCS :- Defence Satellite Communication System

DPSA :- Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft

DRDO :- Defence Research and Development Organization

DRI :- Director of Revenue Intelligence

DSP :- Digital Signal Processing

DST :- Department of Science & Technology

DTH :- Direct To Home

DVC :- Damodar Valley Corporation

DVD :- Digital Versatile Disk

EAA :- Easy Animal Aid

EAS :- Employment Assurance Scheme

ECB :- European Central Bank

ECG :- Electro Cardiogram Graph

ECIL :- Electronic Corporation of India Limited

ECM :- European Common Market

ECOWAS :- Economic Cooperation Organization of West African States

EEC :- European Economic Community

EEG :- Electro Encephalogram Graph

EFTA :- European Free Trade Association

EGPWS :- Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System

EHTP :- Electronics Hardware Technology Park

ELCINA :- Electronics and Radar Development Establishment

ELISA :- Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay

EMF :- Electromotive Force

EMI :- Equal Monthly Installment

EMR :- Exclusive Marketing Right

EMS :- European Monetary System

EMU :- Electric Multiple Unit

ENLF :- Elam National Liberation Front

EOW :- Economic Offence Wing

EPIP :- Export Promotion Industrial Park

EPRLF :- Elam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front

EPZ :- Export Processing Zone

ERDA :- Energy Research and Development Administration

ERS :- European Remote Sensing Satellite

ERTS :- Earth Resources Technology Satellite

ESA :- European Space Agency

ESCAP :- Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific

ESMA :- Essential Services Maintenance Act

EURECA :- European Research Coordinating Agency

EVM :- Electronic Voting Machine

EVTR :- Electro Video Tape Recording

EXIM :- bank Export-Import Bank of India

सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में ताजा जानकारी देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें । 

उपरोक्त पोस्ट से सम्बंधित सामान्य ज्ञान की जानकारी देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें । 

उपचार सम्बंधित घरेलु नुस्खे जानने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें । 

देश दुनिया, समाज, रहन - सहन से सम्बंधित रोचक जानकारियाँ  देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें । 

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